Educational Programs at Coronation

At Coronation we strive to cultivate the talents and skills of all of our students. Teaching is adapted to meet students' individual needs, fostering a successful learning experience and inspiring lifelong learning.

English Core Program

The students follow an English Core program, where French as a Second Language instruction is integrated in the curriculum. 

French Immersion Program

The goal of Coronation's French immersion program is to help children become fully bilingual and comfortable in both French and English. This offers them the ability to converse, read and write with ease in both languages.

Subjects taught in English
Subjects taught in French
KDG - Cycle 1 English Language Arts (150 minutes/week)                        Ethics and religious cultures Français langue d'enseignement (immersion)
Arts plastiques
Éducation physique et á la santé
Cycle 2 English Language Arts Mathematics
Physical Education and Health Science and technology 
Ethics and religious cultures
Français langue d'enseignement (immersion)
Géographie, histoire et éducation á la citoyenneté 
Arts plastiques
Éthique et culture religieuse
Cycle 3

English Language Arts Mathematics
Physical Education and Health Science and technology 
Ethics and religious cultures

Français langue d'enseignement (immersion)
Géographie, histoire et éducation á la citoyenneté 
Arts plastiques
Éthique et culture religieuse

Programs offered at Coronation Elementary School

BASE Daycare Service Icon
BASE Daycare Service
The Before & After-School Enriched Daycare Program is a bridge between the classroom and...
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Elementary Education Program Icon
Elementary Education Program
General information on the Elementary Education Program
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English Core Icon
English Core
The English Core Program offers 68% of English instruction and 32% of French instruction...
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French Immersion Icon
French Immersion
The French immersion program, offers 85% of French language instruction in the early...
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Preschool (Kindergarten) Education Icon
Preschool Education (Kindergarten for 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds)
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Programme d’enseignement des langues d’origine (PELO)
PELO provides an opportunity for our students to learn a heritage language.
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Robotics Icon
The robotics program introduces students to basic programming and hands-on building...
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Science Technology Engineering Arts Math (STEAM) Icon
Science Technology Engineering Arts Math (STEAM)
STEAM represents a multi-disciplinary initiative that promotes creativity and high levels...
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Supporting All Individual Learners (SAIL) Icon
Supporting All Individual Learners (SAIL)
SAIL resource provides a unique learning environment that supports high school students...
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