Coronation Governing Board

The Governing Board is the official parent body of the school and concerns itself with issues which affect the school community as a whole. It is composed of parents, teachers, non-teaching and support staff, daycare, and community representatives.

The Governing Board of Coronation School meets monthly at 6:30 p.m..  The meetings are open to all parents. There are two question periods during each meeting at which time members of the public may pose questions to the members of the Governing Board.

The Governing Board is a body established according to the Education Act. It is composed of the principals, parents, and teachers, representatives of non-teaching professionals and support staff, as well as students and community representatives. All committee members work in partnership to ensure that every student receives the best possible learning opportunity.

2024-2025 Governing Board Members

Administration (Non-voting members)

Principal Rania Delis

Parents (voting members)

Chairperson Phetsamone Mimi Vongphakdy
Parent - Alternate Regional Representative Mohammed Razzak
Community Representative Kathy Roach
Parents Ivan Sarmiento
Parents Lorena Pena
Parents Minerva Atienza 
Naima Mire 

Parents Gilian Jackson
Parents Catherine Forbes

Staff Members

Teachers - Alternate Secretary Pam Koumoutsakis -Teacher
Teacher Amanda Dandy
Teacher Valerie Chiniara 
Teacher Betty Constant
Child Care Worker Eleni Lacopo
Daycare Responsible Jacintha Duplan